Bonds Ranch Family Dentistry Blog

From Myth to Fact: Debunking 5 Common Myths About Children’s Dental Health

February 19, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 4:04 pm
a child brushing their baby's teeth

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which means there’s no better time to learn more about your child’s growing smile than now! With misinformation running rampant, it can be hard to tell fact from fiction when it comes to making the best decisions for your little one’s pearly whites. Read below to debunk the five most common children’s dental myths and boost the health of your favorite smile.


4 Great Dental Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones’ Stockings

November 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 1:52 pm
Stockings filled with gifts hanging above fireplace

Are you trying to think of good ideas for smaller holiday gifts? A lot of people fill their family’s stockings with candy canes and other sweet treats, but this can be less than ideal for everyone’s oral health. Fortunately, your dentist has some more smile-friendly gift ideas that can be worth considering. Below are 4 dental stocking stuffers that can leave your loved ones grinning on Christmas morning.


Protecting Your Family’s Teeth This Halloween

September 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 8:30 pm
Picture of candy

Halloween is a festive time filled with spooky decorations, costumes, and, of course, candy. While the holiday is a blast for kids and adults alike, it can pose significant risks to dental health if proper precautions aren’t taken. Ensuring that your family’s teeth remain healthy amidst the Halloween indulgence requires a bit of planning and mindful practices. Here are three key strategies to keep those smiles bright and cavity-free.


How Healthy Teeth Make Children Smarter

July 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 8:03 am
Someone wearing a graduation gown

Oral health plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and development of children. Despite improvements in dental health over recent decades, dental problems remain highly prevalent. In the United States, approximately 42% of children aged 2 to 11 years experienced caries between 1999 and 2004, and the same percentage of children and adolescents aged 6-19 years have had dental caries in their permanent teeth. Understanding the relationship between dental health and academic performance, as well as the importance of biannual checkups and regular oral hygiene, is essential for parents and educators. Here’s some information you might want to know about this connection.


Summer Fun, Safe Smiles: Avoid These Dental Health Dangers

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 6:49 pm
Patient with good dental health smiling with family in the pool

Summer is the season for fun in the sun! Whether you’re at home or abroad, there are plenty of things to do to take advantage of the warm weather and relaxed atmosphere. However, some activities can pose risks to your dental health. If you want to guard your grin, continue reading. You’ll find some common summer activities that can hurt your smile and tips for protection while enjoying the season.


What Is Cosmetic Dentistry and How Does It Work?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 6:04 pm
Lady smiles at dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is an umbrella term that covers a variety of dental treatments designed to whiten, brighten, reshape, straighten out, and address defects in teeth for aesthetic reasons. These procedures can bolster a patient’s confidence by giving them a smile they can be proud to show off, which can open up new opportunities at work and in the social scene. Here are a few cosmetic dental treatments and how they can beautify teeth.


How Early Detection Can Save Your Life: The Truth About Oral Cancer

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 6:30 pm
man undergoing an oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is a life-threatening disease that affects individuals of all ages. Without these screenings, the chances of overcoming the disease decrease. With more than 50,000 people diagnosed each year, more than 11,000 succumb to it. Although more commonly found in older men and among those who smoke or drink moderate amounts of alcohol, the risks extend beyond these few factors and can cause many serious symptoms that may not be detected until you see your dentist. Since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, take a few moments to find out why a regular screening is vital to ensuring a longer, healthier life.


4 Dentist-Approved Holiday Appetizers

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 12:08 am

Veggie tray on wooden tableA lot of planning goes into preparing mouth-watering holiday meals for your friends and loved ones. You want everyone’s taste buds to be satisfied; however, the holidays can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to dental health. Many seasonal favorites can increase the risk of cavities, like sugar cookies, candy canes, and other sugary appetizers. You can help keep everyone’s smile healthy with 4 dentist-approved holiday Hors d’oeuvres.


Why Should You Get Fillings Before Year’s End?

October 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 10:49 am
A dentist pretending to give a filling to a fake tooth

Even if your dentist suggests them, you may think dental fillings aren’t vital. Perhaps you’re not in pain and don’t see the point. As such, it can be tempting to put them off. When they’re needed, though, you should get fillings by the end of the year. Delaying past that point will make things worse. For more details, let your Fort Worth dentist explain. Here’s a primer on fillings, why you shouldn’t put them off, and why to get them before year’s end.


5 Tips to Make Removing Your Clear Aligners Easier

August 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bondsranchfam @ 4:44 pm
Woman taking clear aligners off her top row of teeth

One of the largest advantages to choosing Candid clear aligners over traditional metal braces is that you can remove them. You can and should be taking them out of your mouth several times each day, whether it’s to eat or complete your oral hygiene routine. However, some patients find that getting their clear aligners out can be a little tricky. Here are 5 tips that can make removing them a lot easier.

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